3D printing for sewing
3D printers have been more accessible on the market for a few years, however their uses are not as simple. The printing technique is simple, depositing thin layers of material on top of each other to create an object, it's like making a cake with several layers! The most common material is PLA or ABS type plastic in 1.75mm diameter filament.

To print an object, it must first be created using CAD software (3D design software). Depending on the complexity of the object to be created, you will need some trial and error to achieve the desired result.
It is also possible to download objects already created for free or under licenses, but still it is necessary to find it and often adapt or modify it for specific needs.
Once the object file has been created or acquired, you should program the path that the printer must take to manufacture the object, this step is quite simple because software like Cura will do all the work for you! The object can then be printed. Patience is required, because 3D printing takes time depending on the size of the object.
Here are some practical items for sewing
tools to facilitate folds in a fabric
tool to make a ribbon from a fabric in one step
magnetic guide for sewing machine
You will soon be able to order these practical objects via our shop in the accessories section.